Sunday, August 18, 2013

What to wear!

Since I am still rather new at this, and it was not something we covered in Photography classes, I decided to do a little research myself.  I have attended numerous weddings in my lifetime, and I was always curious how a wedding photographer decides what to wear. 

I recently saw on a Facebook page a discussion as to what any photographer should wear to a shoot.  Seemed pretty consistent to me that anyone who photographs should be comfortable, but that they should also dress for the occasion.    I started to think back at all of the shoots that I had done, and what I was wearing at the time, and I really cannot think of anything that I was wearing that someone might deem inappropriate.   I should also say that I really am not someone that would be considered a daily victim of the fashion police either. I would consider myself pretty average when it comes to changing trends.

On to my original point!  I was able to find a YouTube video from a photographer that intricately laid out what she and her staff would wear to every shoot. (She probably has some kind of staff of several shooters) I also will not disclose the video, because my intention isn't to verbally bash how she chooses to run her business, but just rather to politely disagree. No matter what the shoot, she has her staff dress in back from head to toe, and for corporate headshots if they are wearing a suit, the photographer wears a suit. She went on to say that they do not wear any kind of logoed apparel either. 

Personally at a wedding, I would not want to look like I was heading to a funeral directly following the reception, nor would I want to look as if I just came from a hoedown. I would think that that standard dress slacks and polo shirt of some kind would do the trick!  To anything other than a wedding I normally wear khakis and some kind of colored polo shirt.  To a wedding I would wear more of a collared-shirt, and some nice dress slacks.  I really see no problem either with wearing a logoed polo shirt with your name or company name on it.  Several times I have wanted to know who was shooting the wedding ts that I can peek at the website, but they are so busy, I simply don't want to to interrupt the creativity.

So for this little bit, I would have to say that I would like to remain comfortable, but at the same time maintain a degree of professionalism. So if you are ever interested, I would recommend looking at a few different things, because as I said in the beginning it rather peeked my interest. - And besides there's a boatload of information on it, so if your looking to play fashion police at the next wedding you shoot and/or attend....I say go for IT! 

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