Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Photo 101

I have been toying with the idea of a photo project, but I haven't decided on what this should entail.  I have read about dozens of photo projects that people try, but for the most part most of them seem out of my reach. 

There is the ever popular 365 project:  In all honesty this is a great idea, but I don not have the luxury of being able to carry a camera with me the entire day.

Then there is the 100 strangers project:  The one where you approach 100 random strangers and ask if you can take a picture with them. Not really my idea of a good time, because most of them might be co-workers, and well that's usually all I see during the day.

Then you have the A-Z project: The only problem with this is that you either cram it all in at the beginning of your day, or you scramble to get it done by the end.  (Oh, and please do share when you run into a zebra during your work day, usually when he is leaning up against the Xerox machine).

Rounding out is usually the photo that expresses some sort of emotion. (Catch me on a Monday, and I should find many sad faces)

After looking at each and every one of these I think that I will just try my own.  Something that do not tend to interrupt the flow of my day!  I will be sure to let you know how it turns out.

There did happen to be one called 52 walks, that I found very interesting.  The only thing that this consisted of was taking a small walk once a week, and photographing interesting things that you see.  This I can probably handle. 

I think that I will just conclude to find some photo project that might be rather interesting, but does not seem to be such and interruption.  Keep your eyes peeled, I post it here soon!


This is just a random pictures that I took several years ago during and snow storm that we had.  It was just one of those moments where I thought that it might be something different, and out of the ordinary.

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